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The “Reader Comment” messages express the views of the author of the message, not the views of the owner of the website, PopCultureKind, Jason De Bord, and/or Original Prop Blog, LLC.

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All film and/or television and/or music and/or any other pop culture-related property names, character names, logos, posters, images, music and the various costumes and designs and any other copyright-protected material displayed herein are trademarks of the applicable artist, publisher, creator, producer, production company, film or television studio(s), rights holder(s), copyright owner(s), and/or their applicable licensor(s). This site is not in any way affiliated with, sponsored by, endorsed by, or otherwise related in any way to any artist, publisher, creator, producer, production company, film or television studio(s), rights holder(s), copyright owner(s), and/or their applicable licensor(s). This site is operated strictly for noncommercial purposes to share news, information, research, opinion, trends, issues, reviews, interviews, and debate related to pop culture, including, but not limited to, music, music artists, original movie and television props and costumes and memorabilia, comic books and related subjects. Any use of intellectual property or trademark material of any artist, publisher, creator, producer, production company, film or television studio(s), rights holder(s), copyright owner(s), and/or their applicable licensor(s) on or by this site is strictly for that purpose, and is not intended in any way to infringe the rights of any artist, publisher, creator, producer, production company, film or television studio(s), rights holder(s), copyright owner(s), and/or their applicable licensor(s).

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